Tuesday 12 July 2022

I am still blogging...

I am still blogging … 

but I’ve moved.

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and see the next stage of my learning journey.

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Thursday 11 November 2021

Mizuna....... Mizuna........ Mizuna..........Mizuna, Micro-greens!

 (You must sing the title) 

This week we have been growing micro-greens, our groups micro greens are doing very well. They have already sprouted. We have been watering them everyday to keep them hydrated. In my group we have me, Sammy, Libby, Jordan and Maraea. We have been using all these different sencors to make sure our micro-greens have optimal growing conditions.

Thursday 28 October 2021

Creative Writing!

The Jar is cold and it has many holes in it. The cat looks at me daily trying to eat me. While my dad takes his sweet time trying to bring me back to normal size. One day he thought he had it and poured the potion in the jar I was in. Although I am glad I waited to drink it because before I did it turned my table into sushi. My dad said it would be fine but I don't trust it. How long is it before this godam dad of mine gets me out of the jar and makes me big again. I don't to be small I want to be tall! But only my dad can make my potion that will make me bigger. He made another potion wich we thought nothing. But it did do something on the news the next day some group of guys were turned into watermelons and then the public started to eat them. We tried another potion after that day, and it turned a guy from a normal guy to a leaf and then the leaf was picked up by a child and ripped to shreds. And not only was that weird but it was also weird that all the people that were being affected by this stuff were people in Mars.

Sunday 17 October 2021

China Week!

 Discover China week was very fun we did music with an intrement called the Guhzen, marhelarts, tieque and dancing. 

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Thursday 23 September 2021

Otaki Youth Space!

 On Wednesday the Kapiti Council came into our classroom and asked us a question!

 What would YOU want for a Youth Space in Otaki? 

This sort of space would ideally include, activities apparartus, free events and would expect donation to keep this space safe. 

The Youth Space should be in the countryside next to the beautiful waitohu stream. You could go down next to the stream and splash around, that would be fun.

This space would be a safe space were everyone can go to have fun and eat all for  for free.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Horticulture Block Gardening!

 We have been going into our horticulture block and trying to make it a function space again, it has been super duper fun. We did all sorts of jobs like soil testing, raking the molch and pulling out weeds! This happened every Tuesday!

Making Tapa Art!

Hello friends and other people of the internet! Our class has been busy making Tapa Art! We have been making these because of Tongan Languege week so to Celebabrate we made Tapa Art! It was quite fun looking at all the different patterns we could choose from. I can't wait to tell you the process!

To start we went onto google and looked at different patterns that we could choose from there were thousands there and they all looked really cool.

Then we sketched out our designs on some normal white paper.

After that we made our designs bigger and but them on some A3 brown paper, then we went of them in sharpie, and let them dry.

When the pen had been left to sit for a little bit we would scrumble it all up to make it look a bit older and more realistic.

After that we coloured in some of the shapes and patterns in are art with brown and black pen.

Finally we are at the dying stage the colours we had were: red, yellow, brown, ocher, vermillion.

In the end they all looked really good!